
Photo by Nathan Dumlao @Nate_Dumlao

Photo by Nathan Dumlao @Nate_Dumlao


Teaching experience

Teaching is an essential part of my vocation.

I have taught 21 sections of 5 different classes.

I have taught blackboard-only classes, online classes, and active learning classes.

I have taught economics majors and economics classes for non-majors.

I have taught class sizes from seven to 246.

I have taught both classes that require facility with advanced undergraduate math and statistics, and classes that require extensive reading and writing.

I was awarded the Sidney I. Simon Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher Award by the Rutgers University economics department.

While my teaching experience is extensive, and my student evaluations are overwhelmingly positive, I am constantly looking for ways to improve the diversity, learning outcomes, analytical skills, and passion for economics in students.